You can use Custom.MT platform when translating in Trados. The following steps will help you connect your preferred MT provider in the Trados project.

Setting Up the Plugin

You can also watch YouTube videos on how to set up Custom.MT for translation in Trados:

Custom.MT Trados plugin: how to use Templates?

CustomMT Translation: how to use the plugin in your Trados projects

Follow the steps described in this article Quickstart , then proceed to the next steps.

  1. Download the plugin for free from the RWS Appstore.

Create New project in RWS Trados Studio. To do that choose Project, then New, the Create a New Project wizard will open. Select the files to be translated, first in Location Path, then select the required files in the Files in Selected Folder field, you might need to check the checkbox “Include subfolders“ if you need to include the files in the subfolders as well.

Select the Source Language of the file to be translated and then select the Target Language.

Press the Next button and skip Step 2. While on Translation Resources step, choose Translation Memory and Automated Translation in All Language Pairs menu.

Choose Use… tab and select Custom.MT Translation from the drop-down list.

The Custom.MT Settings window will open, you will need to enter your Custom.MT API Key in the Enter your user token field. Read this article to get the details on how to access your API Key. Press Verify.

The list of templates available in your Custom.MT account for the selected Source and Target language will appear in the Select the model to be used window. Select the prefered template for this language combination.

Make sure to check the checkbox near Custom.MT plug-in, then click Finish.

Congratulations! Your project with Custom.MT plug-in has been created.

Using the Plugin in the Projects

In order to start working on the project, select File, double click on the file name to open translated file, then go to the Editor tab.

You will see Source text on the left, Translation on the right, and Translation method in the middle.

Reinstalling the Plugin

If you face any unexpected issues with the Plugin, like the one in the screen below, you might need to reinstall the Plugin.

The steps below will guide you throught the process.

  1. Open the RWS Appstore.

  1. Click the Bin icon on the right of the Custom.MT Translation plugin to uninstall the plugin. Close RWS Trados Studio after deleting the plug-in. There is no need to restart RWS Trados Studio.

  2. On your PC, open the folders where the plug-in was installed. Unless specified otherwise, the folders will be the ones below:

C:\Users\YourPcName\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\16\Plugins\Packages
C:\Users\YourPcName\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\16\Plugins\Unpacked

  1. Delete the files related to Custom.MT plugin from these folders.

  1. Reinstall the Custom.MT plugin by following the steps covered in the Setting Up the Plugin section of this article.