You can use Custom.MT platform when translating in MemoQ. The following steps will help you connect your preferred MT provider in the Trados project.

To create your Custom.MT account, follow the steps described in this article , then proceed to the next steps.

Setting Up the Plugin

Follow the steps in the video guide, the setting up will take a couple of minutes.

Read the article from memoQ documentation to add Custom.MT plug-in to your memoQ.*r6uhbw*_ga*MTkxODU2MTQ1NC4xNzAyMjE4MDU4*_ga_TVK7MSKW78*MTcwMjIxODA1Ny4xLjEuMTcwMjIxOTQwMy4wLjAuMA..*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MDIyMTkzMjIuQ2owS0NRaUE0TldyQmhELUFSSXNBRkNLd1dzN2NvTkY3VE44SnRESktRUnRENTIxMFB5Y2dNMm1WSV9NM2twX1NZeE1XWW5rT3ZNZ2pqa2FBdk5qRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTg2NzczMzk3Ni4xNzAyMjE4MDYw*_ga_HHK0YX9VVW*MTcwMjIxODA1Ny4xLjEuMTcwMjIxOTQwMy4wLjAuMA..

  1. Open MemoQ settings and navigate to MT settings. Then click on Create new on the lower left corner of the window.

  1. Name the new connection and confirm with OK.

  2. Once the connection is created, select it in the list and click on Edit.

  1. In the list of plugins, select ​http://Custom.MT Plugin and Click on the cog on the right to configure the connection.

  1. Paste your API Key in the top space and click on Validate to connect to your CustomMT account. When the connection is established, you will see the list of all your templates in the window.

The OK button will remain inactive untill the Tags and Formatting options are set for each language pair.

  1. Click on OK to complete the setup of the plugin.

Using the Plugin in the Projects

After you set up the plugin following the steps described above, you can use it in the projects to connect the desired MT providers.

You can watch a short video showing how to use the plugin in the projects.

Setting Up the Unsigned Plugin (Not from the memoQ Library)

Unzipping the files

Once you have unzipped the plugin files:

  1. Navigate to the DLL file (CustomMTPlugin.dll)

  2. Right-click the DLL file

  3. Select Properties

  4. Check the “Unblock” checkbox

  5. Click Apply (do not skip this step!)

  6. Click OK


Installing the Plugin Locally


  1. Navigate to MemoQ’s Addin folder: C:\Program Files\memoQ\memoQ-[version]\Addins (NB: the version depends on the main memoQ version you have installed on your computer, i.e. it can be memoQ-9 or memoQ-10 )

  2. Delete or move the two Custom MT plugin files, namely: MemoQ.CustomMTPlugin.dll and MemoQ.CustomMTPlugin.kgsign

  3. Add the file “CustomMT.dll” that you extracted from the zip to the Addins folder

  4. Launch MemoQ,

You may receive this message:


Click Yes and proceed.

Installing the Plugin For memoQ Server

  1. Navigate to MemoQ’s Addin folder: C:\Program Files\memoQ\memoQ-[version]\Addins (NB: the version depends on the main memoQ version you have installed on your computer, i.e. it can be memoQ-9 or memoQ-10 )

  2. Delete or move the two Custom MT plugin files, namely: MemoQ.CustomMTPlugin.dll and MemoQ.CustomMTPlugin.kgsign

  3. Add the file “CustomMT.dll” that you extracted from the zip to the Addins folder

  4. To load your unsigned plugin automatically, add the .dll plugin’s filename (CustomMTPlugin without the file extension) to the file UserApprovedUnsignedMTplugins.xml in the %PROGRAMDATA%\MemoQ Server folder

  5. Restart memoQ server

  6. Launch MemoQ

You may receive this message:


Click Yes and proceed.

Connecting the plugin in MemoQ

  1. In your settings Picture7.png go to the MT settings as shown and Create new connection. Give it a name.


  1. Select the connection and click Edit.

  2. Find http://Custom.MT in the list and activate it. Then click on the cog on the right to set it up.


  1. Add the API Key from your account. Click on Validate: the list of all your templates, sorted by language pair, will appear below. Set the Tags and Formatting options and Click ok.
