Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can select any filters from the available options depending on the type of text you are translating. By default, no filters will be applied.


  • Remove Tags: To be used to remove tags in target text while they are present in source text.

  • HTML tags keeper: To be used by specific clients only. It is advised to use HTML Keeper ver 2.0 in other cases. This filter should be used when the source files are HTML files containing the tags and programming instructions.

  • Tag spaces cleaner: Removes spaces before and after the tags in the target text.

  • Unsplit Google translation with tags: Trados only. To be used when inline tags are used in the text. In such cases without this filter, separate words between tags are translated as stand-alone words, translation will not be fluent. Can not be used together with HTML tags keeper ver1/ver 2.0.

  • Space Keeper: Checks if the spaces between and after the tags are present in translation, and if they are not, it adds the spaces.

  • Tags encoder: Tags are handled in a way similar to the one in RWS Trados, where tags are encoded to tg1, tg2, etc. Provides more fluent translation by converting the tags into one short tag, thus text can be translated correctly. It is not recommended for HTML files, use HTML Keeper ver 2.0 instead.

  • Units of measure corrector: To be used when English is a source language. Used to keep units of measure intact after translation, also adds a space between the number of units and the unit abbreviation. For example, 5GB will be translated as 5 GB. Used per client’s request, can be applied if technical specifications are translated.

  • Alternative dialect: For the GPT engine, when any language dialect is required, for example, convert Spanish-Spain into Spanish-Latin American dialect.

  • HTML Keeper ver 2.0: This filter should be used when the source files are HTML files and they contain HTML tags. This filter parses the source text and extracts the text, then sends the text for translation. After getting the translation back, the tags are inserted back. The logic behind this filter helps in getting a more fluent translation.

  • DNT tags: This option will allow you to set words which translator will ignore. For this, use the translate=“no” attribute.